Dawn Blessings Mini Bouquet
Dawn Blessings Mini Bouquet
The dawn of a new day carries a promise—a quiet hope that even in the midst of challenges, light always finds its way through.
Reflecting the hues of the sun and sky in the morning, each mini bouquet by Firefly Flowers is small but packed with intricate detail
- includes 10-12 varieties of dried and preserved flowers like Japanese apricot flowers, rice flowers, bunny tails, wheat, lunaria and gold ruscus
- lovingly arranged to bring delight to the eyes and joy to the soul
- being preserved, these real flowers can be enjoyed for months as each new day awakens
Note: Being products of nature, flowers exhibit variations. No two handcrafted bouquets are exactly alike and certain flowers may be different. The overall look, colour scheme and number of flower varieties will remain.
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